My Wild Other -> animalistus

Time for some changes! šŸ„³ Weā€™ve been considering adjusting our name for quite some time already. And the reason is actually really simple - itā€™s occasionally quite hard to pronounce. šŸ˜ So after months and months of thinking, here it is! animalistus. šŸ¤©

It appeared that this name includes everything, well, at least according to our interpretationšŸ˜:
ā€¢ animal - itā€™s all about our relationship with them.
ā€¢ animalistic - about not hiding yourself, being raw, being real. Even slightly untamed, savage.
ā€¢ animus - it has many meanings in Latin language, but mostly liked ones were soul, spirit, mind, consciousness, persistence, heart, courage.
ā€¢ us - in the end, itā€™s all about the community - about all of us - dog people.

it appeared that all these words greatly summarised what we are about. And beautifully added up to animalistus. šŸ’š

For some time now there will be both animalistus and My Wild Other present. In the future, weā€™ll see. Hope you like it!

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